SOP For Handling Of Sieves and Screens

Standard operating procedure for issuance, numbering system, usage and destruction of sieves or screens.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this SOP is to establish a standard procedure for receiving, issuance, numbering system,usage and destruction of sieves or screens.

2.0 Scope

This SOP will be applicable for the procedure of receiving new sieves or screens, issuance, numbering system, usage and destruction of sieves or screens in the OSD section.

3.0 Responsibility

Execution is the responsibility of officer production.

Inspection by officer production.

Usage and storage by area operator.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 Receipt Of Sieves or Screens 

4.1.1 The area Pharmacist shall generate the purchase requisition for required sieves or screens in the ERP/SAP system and send it to the procurement department after approval.

4.1.2 The pharmacist shall match the required quantity as per PO after receiving the new sieves or screens from the supplier and report to procurement if any is missing.

4.1.3 After ensuring the exact quantity the pharmacist shall check the sieves’ integrity by visually inspecting all the sieves or screens and report to the procurement department if any sieve or screen is damaged.

4.1.4 Verify the sieve number by counting the number of holes per linear inch and screen size by vernier calliper. Reject and return back if any sieve/screen number or size is not as per requirement.

4.1.5 Enter the quantity of all accepted sieves or screens in the receiving logbook.

4.2 Numbering of sieves or screens

4.2.1 Send the sieves or screens to maintenance department to emboss the required sieve or screen number.

4.2.2 For manual sieves the number is embossed on the SS sieve frame.

4.2.3 The following numbering system is used

4.2.4 For manual sieves use the numbering system as MS/12/01.

4.2.5 MS stands for manual sieve,12 is the sieve number & 01 is the first sieve.

4.2.6 For 2nd sieve of the same specifications the number will be MS/12/02.

4.2.7 For Multi-mill screens use the numbering system as MM/2.0/01.

4.2.8 MM stands for the multi mill,2.0 is the screen size & 01 is the first sieve.

4.2.9 For 2nd sieve of the same specifications the number will be MM/2.0/02.

4.2.10 For oscillating granulator screens use the numbering system as, OG/1.2/01.

4.2.11 OG stands for oscillating granulator,1.2 is the screen size in mm & 01 is the first sieve.

4.2.12 For the 2nd sieve of the same specifications the number will be OG/1.2/02.

4.3 Cleaning,storage, issuance and usage of Sieves or screens 

4.3.1 Wash the sieves or screens as per cleaning sop after embossing the number and store it in a cleaned rack in a polythene bag.

4.3.2 The cleaned sieves or screens are issued from the cleaned cabinet for a dedicated area as per BMR and its usage is recorded in the logbook.

4.3.3 The sieve or screen integrity is checked before and after usage.

4.3.4 Wash the Sieves or screens before and after usage.

4.4 Destruction of Sieves or screens

4.4.1 If a sieve or screen is damaged or integrity is failed before or after usage, it shall be destroyed.

4.4.2 The destruction note is generated by the area Pharmacist.

4.4.3 Deshape the damaged sieve or screen with the help of a hammer and send it to the scrap yard.

Also Read:

  1. SOP For Dispensing Of Raw Materials 
  2. SOP For Transferring and Storage Of Raw Materials 
  3. SOP For Cleaning Of SS Scoops