
Compression Machine Pressure Rollers

The name of the compression machine component which is used to apply the pressure is known as compression roller or pressure wheel…

Why Stem Of Lower Punch Is Longer Than Upper Punch

In this article we will learn the most important facts about the upper and lower bunch and the fact is that the stem of the lower punch is longer than the upper punch and we will learn why it is so…

Difference Between Upper & Lower Punches

Most people are not able to differentiate between upper and lower punch on physical examination because both have the same length & shape but there is a difference

URS For Compression Machine

If you want to purchase a compression machine for tablet manufacturing then first of all you will have to generate a URS or user requirement specifications for that compression machine. If you don’t know how to generate a URS then read the following article. How To Write a URS  A sample URS for the compression

Why Compression Machines Have Odd Number Of Punches

Compression machines are used in pharmaceutical industries to compress powders or granules to form Tablets. It is a common observation that mainly Compression Machines have an odd number of punches or odd number of Stations. Example  If you are working in the pharma industry or you have every chance to visit the pharma Industry you must