Standard Operating Procedure for Liquid Transfer Pump.
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this SOP is to develop a standard procedure for operating the Liquid Transfer Pump.
2.0 Scope
This SOP is applicable to the Liquid transfer pump used in the liquid manufacturing area of the production section & bulk liquid dispensing area of the raw material.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Machine Operator or dispensing person is responsible for operating the Liquid Transfer Pump.
3.2 Manufacturing Pharmacist or Dispensing Pharmacist is responsible for the implementation of this SOP.
3.3 The Head Of Production/Stores is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the current SOP.
3.4 Q.A. Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Area Pharmacist shall ensure that the Liquid Transfer Pump & transfer pipes are properly cleaned.
4.4 Pharmacist shall ensure that the Liquid Transfer Pump & area
is labeled with product-related labels.
4.5 Take line clearance from the Quality Assurance officer.
4.5 After line clearance, assemble the transfer pump & connect transfer pipes to the inlet & outlet ports of the liquid transfer pump.
4.6 Connect the other end of inlet pipe to the container/vessel from where the liquid is to be dispensed or transferred.
4.7 Connect outlet pipe to the container/vessel to which liquid is to be delivered.
4.8 Now insert the wire plug of the transfer pump into the socket & press the On button.
4.8 Carefully observe the transfer pipe & its connections for any leakage during the process of transferring and immediately stop the pump if any leakage is observed.
4.9 Press the Off button when the required quantity is transferred or dispensed & remove the wire plug.
4.1 Affix the ‘To be cleaned label’ and record the activity in the logbook of the transfer pump.
5.0 Abbreviations
5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
5.2 BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record
5.3 QA: Quality Assurance
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