SOP For Dispatch Of Finished Goods

SOP for dispatch of finished goods.

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to develop a standard procedure for dispatch of finished goods to the market.

2.0 Scope

This SOP is applicable for the procedure used for dispatch of finished goods from finish goods store to market.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 The supervisor of the finished goods store is responsible for the dispatch of finished goods.

3.2 The FGS officer is responsible for implementing this SOP. 

3.3 The Store Manager is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP.

3.4 QA Officer monitors the compliance of this SOP.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 The packaging supervisor shall intimate the FGS officer for transferring of packed batches from packaging to the finished goods store by generating finished goods transfer notes.

4.2 The FGS assistant shall verify the following before transferring the packed batches.

  • Product details 
  • Quantity as per transfer note.
  • Quantity in loose shippers
  • Physical condition of shippers

4.3 The FGS assistant shall transfer all the packed pellets from the packaging department to the quarantine of FGS with proper identification.

4.4 The packaging & FGS supervisor shall make required entries in the SAP/ERP system for stock transfer and receiving.

4.5 The packaging supervisor shall submit the batch packaging record to QA for review and batch release.

4.6 QA person shall affix `Released` label to the packed shippers when the quality control department releases the finished product batch.

4.7 The batch status shall be changed from Under test to released in SAP/ERP system for dispatch as per market demand.

4.8 The required finished products are loaded on a vehicle in the presence of FGS supervisor and security officer after inspection of the vehicle.

4.9 A copy of products loaded shall be provided to the transporter & one copy is submitted to the accounts department.

4.10 All the required entries shall be done by the FGS supervisor and checked by the FGS officer.

5.0 Abbreviations

5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

5.2 QA: Quality Assurance

5.3 FGS: Finished Goods Store 

Also, Read

  1. SOP For Operation Of Sampling Booth 
  2. SOP For Cleaning Of Pallets
  3. SOP For Dispensing Of Raw Materials 
  4. SOP For housekeeping Of Stores 
  5. SOP For Transferring and Storage Of Raw Materials
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