Standard operating procedure for housekeeping of stores.
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to develop a procedure for housekeeping of stores.
2.0 Scope
The current standard operating procedure is applicable for housekeeping of stores including raw material store & packaging material store.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Housekeeping person is responsible for housekeeping the stores.
3.2 The Store HOD is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this SOP.
3.3 Officer quality assurance monitors the compliance of this SOP.
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Daily Activity
4.1.1 Floor Cleaning
Frequency After 2 hours in a working shift. Housekeeping person shall clean the floor repeatedly after 2 hours in a working shift. Housekeeping personnel shall collect all waste material from the floor with the help of a nylon broom. The housekeeping person shall put all the waste in the waste bin having a waste collection polythene bag. The housekeeping person shall seal the mouth of waste containing polythene bag,remove it from the waste bin & dispose of it in the scrap yard. The housekeeping person shall clean the waste bin with lint free cloth & install a fresh polythene bag in the waste bin. The housekeeping person shall sanitize the floor with scheduled disinfectant. The housekeeping person shall record the activity in the logbook.
4.1.2 Door, Material Transfer trolley
Frequency One in a shift The housekeeping person shall clean all the doors with lint free cloth soaked in purified water followed by dry lint free cloth. The housekeeping person shall clean all the material trolleys with lint free cloth damped in purified water followed by dry lint free cloth at the start of shift. The housekeeping person shall record the activity in the logbook.
4.1.3 Computer, Furniture The housekeeping person shall clean all the computers, furniture & fixtures at the start of shift with dry lint free cloth. Record the cleaning activity in the logbook.
4.2 Weekly Activity
Material containers,Boxes,solvent drums
Frequency once in a week
4.2.1 Housekeeping personnel shall clean the outer surface of material containers and boxes in RMS & PMS with dry lint free cloth.
4.2.2 Housekeeping personnel shall clean the other surface of solvent drums with dry lint free cloth.
4.2.3 Record the activity in the logbook.
4.3 Monthly Activity
Walls,Ceiling,Pellets,Tube light, Diffusers
Frequency once in a month
4.3.1 The housekeeping person shall cover all the material containers/boxes with a polythene sheet before cleaning the walls, ceiling,tube lights & diffusers.
4.3.2 The housekeeping person shall clean the walls & ceiling using nylon brush & lint free cloth.
4.3.3 The housekeeping person shall clean the diffusers with lint free cloth soaked in purified water followed by lint free cloth.
4.3.4 The housekeeping person shall clean the tube light covers with dry lint free cloth.
4.3.5 The housekeeping person shall remove the plastic sheet from containers & clean the container with dry lint free cloth.
4.3.6 The housekeeping person shall clean the floor below the pellet with a nylon broom.
4.3.7 The housekeeping person shall sanitize the floor with sanitizer
4.3.8 The housekeeping person shall record the cleaning activity in the log book.
5.0 Abbreviations
5.1 SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
5.2 QA: Quality Assurance
5.3 RMS: Raw Material Store
5.5 PMS: Packaging Material Store